Welcome to the official site for FEMA's Great Lakes Coastal Flood Study, the comprehensive storm and wind study of the Great Lakes basin for the purpose of updating the coastal flood hazard information and Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for Great Lakes coastal communities. Below you’ll find a list of the most recent meetings with their agendas, links to preliminary maps, and presentations. To the left you’ll find additional Great Lakes Coastal Flood Study content.
FEMA created this self-guided tutorial on coastal flood mapping that provides important information to coastal communities and their residents. FEMA’s “Coastal Hazards and Coastal Mapping: A Visual Guide” is a glossary of coastal mapping terms and a companion to the tutorial.
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Technical Resources Page Added to greatlakescoast.org
May 7, 2012 — Great Lakes CoastA new page has been added to the Great Lakes Coastal Flood Study website in the menu on the left called Technical Resources. The Technical Resources page contains links to data and reports of interest to engineers and other technical stakeholders interested in the Great Lakes Coastal Flood Study.
As of this posting, there is a link to high-resolution bathymetric and topographic LiDAR data on NOAA’s Coastal Services Center Digital Coast website. In June 2012, additional data links will go live, including the C-STORM wave and storm surge database (containing all the wind, wave, pressure, ice and water level data for the Great Lakes basin) and the Great Lakes Oblique Photo Viewer (containing all the coastal oblique photographs of the Great Lakes shoreline).
The Technical Resources page also currently houses links to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports relevant to the Great Lakes Coastal Flood Study, as well as a link to the FEMA Great Lakes Coastal Guidelines, Appendix D.3 Update at fema.gov, which includes information on the 60-day public comment process that starts today.
All stakeholders are invited to review and comment on this draft guidance. See FEMA’s webpage for e-mail address for submission of comments.
Tags: Guidelines, Public Comment, Technical Resources.